Measuring the impact of the PE and Sport Premium: How to maximise spending

Measuring the impact of the PE and Sport Premium: How to maximise spending

The Primary PE and Sport Premium is a valuable funding stream for schools, designed to enhance the quality of PE, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA). However, ensuring the effective and sustainable use of this funding requires careful planning, measurement and strategic decision-making.

Why measuring impact matters

The Department for Education (DfE) requires schools to demonstrate the impact of their PE and Sport Premium funding and show how improvements are being sustained. With the introduction of the new digital reporting tool, it is essential that schools plan and evidence their spending effectively.

Schools must ensure their use of the funding:
Improves teacher confidence and competence in delivering PE
Increases pupils' participation in physical activity
Expands opportunities for pupils to engage in a variety of sports
Supports pupils in leading active and healthy lives

Failing to provide clear evidence could impact future funding, making it crucial to have a robust and structured approach to impact measurement.

How to measure your impact effectively

To make the most of the PE and Sport Premium, consider these key approaches:

1. Use the Primary PE Benchmark to identify areas for development

Our Primary PE Benchmark helps schools assess their PESSPA provision and pinpoint strengths and areas needing improvement. The tool provides a clear and structured evaluation, helping PE leads identify where funding should be targeted for the greatest impact.

With its multiple-choice format, the benchmark delivers detailed insights into your school's provision, ensuring spending decisions are informed by evidence.

2. Align spending with the 5 Key Indicators

Schools should use the PE and Sport Premium to make improvements against the five key indicators. You don’t need to spend across all indicators—focus on the areas where your school needs the most support.

1️⃣Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport – Investing in staff CPD ensures teachers are equipped to deliver high-quality PE lessons, creating a lasting impact.

2️⃣Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Encouraging all pupils to participate in consistent physical activity supports their physical and mental well-being.

3️⃣The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement – Embedding PE and school sport within the wider school ethos can contribute to improved behaviour, attendance and academic outcomes.

4️⃣Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils – Providing opportunities for pupils to try different sports increases engagement and helps develop lifelong habits of physical activity.

5️⃣Increased participation in competitive sport – Creating more opportunities for pupils to take part in competitive sport helps to develop resilience, teamwork and ambition.

For more details, you can access afPE’s latest guidance on the Primary PE and Sport Premium here.

3. Maximise your funding with cost-effective strategies

💡 Invest in high-quality CPD – Providing training and support for teachers creates a sustainable impact and ensures high-quality PE delivery. 

💡 Enhance curriculum PE – Use your funding to improve curriculum PE with a clear focus on skill development, progression and competition.

💡 Develop pupil leadership – Training pupils as sports leaders or PlayMakers encourages active play and helps embed a culture of physical activity across the school.

💡 Strengthen partnerships – Collaborating with local clubs and organisations expands opportunities for pupils to take part in sport beyond the school environment.

💡 Use data to drive change – Regularly reviewing your progress with the Primary PE Benchmark ensures spending remains strategic and impactful.

Key updates: The digital reporting tool & template

The digital reporting tool will soon be a mandatory requirement, meaning schools must adapt their reporting processes. Stay informed by reviewing the latest guidance from afPE here.

Useful Resources

🔹 New reporting template
🔹 FAQs on the Premium
🔹 Webinar recording explaining the latest updates

Final Thoughts

Maximising the impact of the PE and Sport Premium is not just about spending—it’s about strategy. By using tools like the Primary PE Benchmark, aligning spending with key indicators and staying up to date with new reporting requirements, schools can ensure their funding delivers meaningful and lasting benefits for pupils.

Need support with your PE strategy? Try our Primary PE Benchmark today and make informed, impactful decisions!